Dressurausbildungsstall Leonie Bramall und Volker Dusche

April 2003

Deichgraf on top at Hildesheim

A brilliant opening show start for the "old-Oldenburger" DEICHGRAF winning his very first advanced level competition! Brilliantly presented by Leonie Bramall, the Donnerhall son was able to leave the rest of the 42 competitors behind him attaining a 69% score, The following day DEICHGRAF booked in with his second win leaving the second place open for his stable companion BOTICELLO whom also showed his top ability under Leonie`s guidance.

Deichgraf leaves the concurence behind him

Again at the competition in Liebenberg (11th of May) DEICHGRAF and Leonie left the other competitors behind them in the Medium and Advanced levels. With charisma, cadence and perfect exercises DEICHGRAF once again dominated with his tremendous basic paces and showed that he was "the boss".

Continued success for Mühlenorts Youngsters

A second win in 2003 at the basic level for RHODIUM (Royal Diamond) at Rodewald. This time ridden by the junior Steffen Hennies , the 4 year old gelding once again proved his excellent rideability and qualitative basic gaits. Also at her first show the 3 year old WYNORA (Wolkentanz II) was placed 4th on the first of May in Gross Eilstorf with Leonie Bramall.

Positive results at the mare testing

Muhlenorts 3 year old mares came away in a very positive light at the mare peformance testing in Stadthagen. HAVANNA (Hohenstein) and WYNORA (Wolkentanz II) both proved the quality of their rideabilty and basic gaits with scores ranging into the 8's and 9's.